Each year nature wakes up in the spring. These signs of spring renewal are a great reminder that Jesus defeated death to give us new life at Easter.
When Jesus died and rose again, becoming the forever sacrifice for our sins, he became our Savior. Because Jesus lives, we have a new life too, and we’ll be able to spend eternity in Heaven with him!
As you celebrate Easter with those in your church and community, the resources and take-home gifts from Wake Up—It’s Easter! will help children learn about that first Easter morning and begin to see the new signs of spring as evidence that the risen Jesus is always with us!
Resource Pack Includes:
- Bulletin Cover
- Flyer
- Theme Art
- Socially Speaking
- Coloring Page
- Activity Page
- PowerPoint of Softcover Book
- Ministry Message
- Kids Event Outline
These materials are provided for promotional purposes only. No monetary benefit can be obtained through its use.
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